Your guide to the Clubs and Societies in JKUAT
By Brian Ndiritu
Clubs and societies mostly at institutional levels are meant to encourage human interaction beyond the class, as a way to build the social character of young people as well as solving problems and having fun while at it. They have also been promoted as a means to dealing with social menace such as various forms of addictions and other forms that negatively drain the energy and productive years of young people.
In her address to students during the clubs and societies awareness day on Monday, 25th November 2020, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Victoria Ngumi encouraged students especially the first years who have joined University to join the various clubs and societies at the institution to explore their talents and have fun instead of engaging in non-productive activities like alcohol abuse which may lead to alcohol addiction. She also encouraged them to join clubs as a way to break the monotony of studying all day, citing the examples of CEOs and high-ranking officials in various capacities who, despite their busy schedules, find time to unwind by working out at the gym or jogging as a way to keep fit.
There a total of 45 registered clubs and societies in JKUAT and this gives students an array of choices in terms of clubs to join. Some of them include;
The Rotaract Club of JKUAT
Awarded the JKUSA award as the biggest club in the University, the Rotaract Club of JKUAT is an affiliate of the Rotary international, whose key goal is personal development, mentorship and networking. Members also hold weekly discussions on various issues affecting the youth and society in general and also undertake various activities e.g. tree planting and environmental clean ups. The club meets on Mondays at CLB 002 7:30 pm unless communicated otherwise.
Twitter: @racjkuat
Facebook: RAC JKUAT
Instagram: @RAC JKUAT
JKUAT Toastmasters
If you wish to improve oratory skills to match those of former President Obama, this is the club to join. JKUAT Toastmasters is a club geared towards improving one’s communication skills both written and oral communication. Members undergo a course on how to do various forms of communication from fellow members who have mastered the art before. They also do debates as a way to improve argument building skills and comparison skills which appear in exams in form of comparing and contrasting questions. Members meet on Wednesdays at the SCC Building.
Twitter: @JKUATGavel.
Instagram: jkuatgavel.
JKUAT Red Cross Chapter
The JKUAT Red Cross Chapter is an affiliate of the Kenya Red Cross Society. Members in the club are involved in such as learning about first aid administration as well as any other activities that help to reduce human suffering. Meetings are on Wednesdays at CLB 5:00 pm.
Twitter: @jkuatredcross_
Instagram: jkuatredcross_
JKUAT Environment Management Association (JEMA)
The club is involved in everything regarding matters environment. Environmental clean ups, tree planting and waste management are just some of their activities. The club plays an important role in environmental management efforts that led to JKUAT to be awarded the ISO Certification in matters environmental management.
Facebook: JKUAT Environmental Management Association
Instagram: jema_jkuat
Student Talent Development Association (STADA)
The new kid on the block, STADA is engaged in talent development such as poetry art and modelling just to mention a few. Through their activities, STADA members have participated in the JKUAT Social Media week, JKUAT Cultural Festival, Mr and Miss JKUAT Beauty Pageant, the Campus Flea Market and the 2020 Drama Festivals.
Facebook: Usanii Umati
Twitter: usanii_ni_umati (@STADAJKUAT)
Instagram: usanii.umati
JKUAT Salsa Club
At the end of the year, most final year classes and associations such as sports associations choose to organise a dinner event where classmates and associates come together for ‘last Supper’ of sorts. During the dinner date members have a dance. What better way than to do it in a suit and dinner dress other than to dance the South American dance of Salsa? To avoid the embarrassment of miscalculated steps in high heels and shyness on the final day in school before graduation, it is highly advised that you join the Salsa Club. Members meet on Friday at CLB 002. Meet and dance your problems away.
Facebook: Jkuat Salsa Ministry
Twitter: @JkuatSalsa
Instagram: jkuatsalsa
JKUAT Christian Union
Like the name suggests the Christian Union is a non-denominational fellowship of Christian students whose goal is to fellowship together and encouraging one another in spiritual matters. There is the Midweek service on Wednesday from 7:30pm to 9:00 pm at the Assembly Hall and 3 Sunday Services. 7:00 am to 8:40 am at the Lecture theatres (LT 1 and LT 2) The Second Service is held from 9:00 to 10:40 am at the New Science Complex and the main Service at the Assembly Hall 11:00 to 12:40 pm.
Twitter: @JKUATCU
Instagram: jkuatcu
The Journey JKUAT
The Journey is a society that is involved in Christian Outreach through fun and games and other forms of entertainment. Members meet on Thursday 7:00 pm CLB 002 for discussion on various topics and close the day with a cup of coffee.
Facebook: JKUAT Journey Community
Twitter: @JkuatJourney
Instagram: jkuatjourney
Website: www.
JKUAT Catcom is the Society for those that subscribe to the Roman Catholic Church. Daily Mass Monday to Friday 6:15 am to 7:00 am at St Augustine Parish Centre Gate B. Saturday Mass at 7:00 am. Sunday Mass 8:45 am at St Augustine Parish Centre Gate B.
Facebook: CatCom JKUAT
Twitter: @jkuatcatcom
Instagram: catcomjkuat
JKUSDA- Jomo Kenyatta University Seventh Day Adventists
The society consists of Christian Members who are Adventists. Services are held on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays at the lecture Theatre 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm and Main Service on Saturday from 9:00 am.
Facebook: SDA Church JKUAT
Twitter: @sdajkuat
Instagram: ambassadors_jkusda
Some clubs and societies in the school are course based but membership is open even to those not taking courses that the club represents. They include but are not limited to:
Society of Engineering Students (SES)
Facebook: Jkuat Society of Engineering Students
Twitter: @jkuat_ses
Instagram: jkuatses
JKUASA- Jomo Kenyatta University of Actuarial Science Association
Facebook: Jkuasa MAIN
Twitter: @FollowJKUASAma1
Instagram: _jkuasa
JKUSOBA- Jomo Kenyatta University School of Business Association
Facebook: Jomo Kenyatta university school of business association page
Twitter: @jkusoba
JKURSA Jomo Kenyatta University Radiography Students Association
HOSA- Horticulture Students Association
Facebook: Horticulture Students Association JKUAT
Twitter: @HJkuat
Instagram: hosajkuat
JKUAT Association of Rehabilitative Science Trainees– Consists of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Courses.